In search of a reason

mineral series teapot

For many of us, whose work is based on the act of creation, the time to realise what we actually do, is now. I find it extremelly difficult, to focus on thoughts about the importance of doing pottery, at times like this, when death numbers and fear of existance, dominates our lifes. I use to say to my students, that creating is not only a personal matter, but mostly an issue of resistance. To resist on fear, to declare your presence, to give birth on light, to create beauty. And beauty is what our souls need, to keep us humans. Enclosed in my personal city cell, I notice what I’m surrounded of.  So many little objects made by fellow ceramists, painters sculptors, (books, films, music of course but I’m wondering on my art now), are there to make moments unique. And the more you focus on their part in our personal universe, the more you realise their affection on us. It’s a network of ideas, and life.

I’m not sure whether I see things right or not. I can only say that thoughts like these, are giving me reason to keep working on, what – more and more often nowdays – I see as pointless.

Published by vavatsis

Ceramics artist. Thessaloniki, Greece

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